Building Planet-hackNY in Go

Columbia University

20 November 2013

Aditya Mukerjee

Personal Background


At this point, we know we have to rewrite it all

Go is very Python-like

Overview of Go History


Systems programming

Design goals

Concurrency in Go

Go's Concurrency Model:

Concurrency in Go: Goroutines

So what is a goroutine?

From the docs:
- A goroutine is "a function executing concurrently with other goroutines in the same address space"
- Goroutines are light
- Goroutines are multiplexed onto multiple OS threads
- Goroutines are similar to the & operator in bash/sh

Synchronicity by Example

func Greet(name string) {
    log.Printf("Greetings, %s!", name)
    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

func main() {

    time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

Goroutines by Example

func Greet(name string) {
    log.Printf("Greetings, %s!", name)
    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

func main() {
    go Greet("Alice")
    go Greet("Bob")

    time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

Yes, it really is just that easy.

Goroutines vs. Callbacks

Concurrency in Go: Channels

Channels by Example:

func Greet(name string, response_chan chan string) {
    greeting := fmt.Sprintf("Greetings, %s!", name)
    response_chan <- greeting

func main() {

    cs := make(chan string)
    go Greet("Alice", cs)
    greeting := <-cs

Let's take a closer look at that:

func Greet(name string, response_chan chan string) {
    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
    greeting := fmt.Sprintf("Greetings, %s!", name)
    response_chan <- greeting
    log.Print("Greeting function is tired - sleeping for a bit")
    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
    log.Print("now the greeting function is done sleeping - terminating")

func main() {

    cs := make(chan string)
    go Greet("Alice", cs)
    log.Print("Continuing execution while we wait for greeter to respond")
    greeting := <-cs
    time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

Go makes concurrency easy

Advantages of Go

Disadvantages of Go

Python in 2009

Go in 2013


Type system

func addOne(a int) int {
    return a + 1
func main(){
    a := 5
    b := addOne(a) //Assigned type is inferred

Go for Python/Ruby/Node.js programmers

See also: Go for Pythonists
See also: Effective Go

Data processing in Go

Go Standard Library

Some tools included for free in the standard library:

Data scraping in Go

Rate-limiting a Twitter API Client in Go

//throttledQuery executes and automatically throttles queries according to SECONDS_PER_QUERY
func (c TwitterApi) throttledQuery() {
    for q := range c.queryQueue {
        now := time.Now()

        err := c.execQuery(q.url, q.form,, q.method)

        q.response_ch <- struct {
            data interface{}
            err  error
        }{, err}

        time.Sleep(SECONDS_PER_QUERY - time.Since(now))

Channels for parallel computation

Selecting Channels

select {
    case <-algorithm1:
        // a read from ch has occurred
    case <-algorithm2:
        // the read from ch has timed out
select {
    case <-ch:
        // a read from ch has occurred
    case <-timeout:
        // the read from ch has timed out

Example: Data Collection with Background Computation

Getting started with Go

Function declaration

func doSomething(){
    var foo int
    foo = 6
    bar := 8

Zero values

For loops/If statements

func PrintAllNames(names []string){
    for _, name := range names {
        if name != "" {

Error Handling

func FindUser(c mgo.Collection, username string) result, err{
    var result User
    err := c.Find(bson.M{"username", username}).One(&result)
    return result, err

func main(){
    err := FindUser("JohnDoe")
    if err != nil{
        //Handle error
        //Log error message, repeat action, etc.


type CheckingAccount struct {
    Balance int
    superSecretId int64
type Person struct {
    MainAccount CheckingAccount

type Bank struct {
    Accounts []CheckingAccount
    SavingsAccounts []struct{
        Balance int
        InterestRate float64

Interfaces in Go

Using Interfaces

type Account interface {
    Deposit(int) error

type CheckingAccount struct {
    Balance int 
        superSecretId int64

func (destination CheckingAccount) Deposit(amount int) error {
    destination.Balance += amount
    return nil

Writing extensions in C

Other useful munging tools

go-json - automatically generate static struct definitions for JSON unmarshalling
mgo - a MongoDB client library for Go
redigo - A Redis client library in Go

so back to planet hackNY

but what is this "hackNY" stuff all about, anyway?




Alexis Ohanian (Reddit)

Chris Dixon (Hunch, a16z)

moot (don't ask)

USV Partners

Zach Sims & Ryan Bubinski (Codecademy)

(Oh, and, there's food too.)


We love hackNY, and so should you!

Thank you

Aditya Mukerjee